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500 people still demonstrated in Chartres against the health pass

For this sixth consecutive Saturday of mobilization, nearly 500 people, according to the police, gathered in Chartres. Waving banners, flags or even placards, they protested in particular against what they considered to be an attack on individual freedoms or against the lack of perspective on the side effects of vaccines.

“I don’t get vaccinated. I know that from October 15 I will no longer have a salary, but I will not do it, ”says an angry caregiver wishing to remain anonymous before the procession of demonstrators heads towards the city center.

The health pass will become mandatory to enter the Louis-Pasteur hospital in Coudray

Change of profession

A few meters away, this 28-year-old nursing assistant at the Aligre Foundation is even ready to change jobs, if necessary, rather than being vaccinated: “I don’t get vaccinated at all. If I have to find a job where the health pass is not mandatory, yes I will do it, heartbroken, ”emphasizes the one who has been doing this job for ten years.

“If I have to find a job where the health pass is not compulsory, yes I will, with a broken heart.”

Mrs Tonna, caregiver (empty)

A 32-year-old doctor, who has not been vaccinated and who also wished to remain anonymous in order to avoid “problems for his career”, did not reject the possibility of changing jobs if nothing does not change. “I am passionate about medicine. As the October 15 deadline approaches, I will try to procrastinate as much as possible, but maybe one day I will be laid off to do other work. “

Health pass: a first “very good” assessment according to the prefecture of Eure-et-Loir which provides for new checks

For some, it was the stricter entry into force of the health pass that prompted them to demonstrate. “Today I am participating in the demonstration for the freedom of all. There is no question that I go to places where there is control of the health pass, ”says a protester wishing to remain anonymous.

Vahid Shamsoddinnezhad

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