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5 Signs of a Vitamin D Deficiency Body, Muscle Pain and Difficulty Sleeping

TEMPO.CO, JakartaVitamin D become one of the most sought-after nutrients during the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition to playing a role in calcium absorption and maintaining bone health, this nutrient is needed to maintain muscle strength and body immunity.


Di Indonesia banyak yang mengalami defisiensi vitamin ini, meskipun sinar matahari yang membantu pembentukan vitamin D di tubuh selalu ada sepanjang tahun. Tapi bagaimana mengetahui bahwa tubuh kekurangan vitamin D?

“Gejala kekurangan vitamin D hampir tidak mungkin kecuali asupan yang sangat rendah untuk waktu yang lama, tetapi ini mungkin lebih mungkin terjadi di antara orang-orang tertentu yang termasuk dalam kelompok yang lebih rentan terutama jika mereka telah menghabiskan lebih banyak di dalam ruangan,” kata ahli gizi Inggris, Rob Hobson, seperti dikutip Express.co.uk.


Menurut dia, untuk medeteksi kekurangan vitamin D diperlukan tes darah. Tapi, ada lima tanda utama yag bianya muncul jika kekurangan vitamin ini.

1. Weak muscles

Vitamin D supports muscle function, so a deficiency can lead to muscle soreness, says Rob.

“A study published in the British Medical Journal found that reduced muscle strength and weakness are associated with vitamin D deficiency and this is more common in older people as their capacity to synthesize vitamin D through the skin is reduced due to aging.”

2. Depression

Low intake of vitamin D is associated with serotonin concentrations in the brain and depression. “One study found that among a group of Norwegian adults, those with low vitamin D levels were more likely to develop depression and taking vitamin D supplements improved their symptoms.”

3. Lack of sleep

A study published in the journal Sleep revealed a link between low vitamin D levels and sleep deprivation. “This study suggests that among older men, those with low vitamin D levels report not only sleep deprivation but also poor sleep quality.”

4. Bone pain

Vitamin D is essential for supporting bones and their structure. These nutrients help regulate calcium and phosphorus, minerals essential for maintaining strong bones in the body.

“Low levels of vitamin D can increase the risk of fractures and bone conditions such as osteoporosis because the bones become weak,” says Rob.

5. Cough and cold

Upper respiratory tract infections or ARI often occur during the rainy season. According to research, adequate intake of vitamin D can help reduce the chances of experiencing this illness.

“Studies have shown that vitamin D is very important in activating immunity body and without enough of this vitamin in the body, our immune cells can’t react properly,” explains Rob.

Groups at high risk of vitamin D deficiency include children who rarely play outside, pregnant and lactating women, people aged 65 years and over or the elderly, people with darker skin, wearing full body clothing, and people who spend most of their time at home. or night shift workers.

Also read: Vitamin D deficiency, this is the worst effect that happens to the body

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