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5 Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water Regularly, Makes This Disease Fail

Illustration of lemon water. Photo: livestrong

jpnn.com, JAKARTA – LEMON is a fruit that is often used in various dishes, both sweet and savory.

Orange lemon is a green plant originating from Asia. It produces amber fruits that have been known for centuries for their powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-boosting powers.

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Just like cocoa, lemon was once a rare and valuable commodity.

Centuries ago, lemon was used to add flavor or preserve food, in traditional medicine it was used as an antidote to poisons and poisons.

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Women used it to enhance the color of their lips, and sailors ate it to combat scabies.

Currently, lemon is increasingly popular in various parts of the world.

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Evidence shows that lemons are packed with vitamins and minerals that promote optimal health.

Lemon is an excellent source of vitamins A, B6, B2 and vitamin C.

Lemon contains minerals such as copper, magnesium, iron, potassium and calcium.

Lemon also contains various phytochemicals such as hesperetin, naringin, and naringenin.

The following is an explanation, as quoted on the page Curejoy.com.

1. Protects Against Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis is one type disease degenerative disease that occurs with age.

The abundant amount of vitamin C in lemon gives humans protection against inflammatory polyarthritis, a form of rheumatoid arthritis that involves two or more joints.

2. Improve Digestion

The perfect way to enjoy lemons is to combine lemon and honey in warm water.

Lemon helps stimulate your liver to produce bile while adding more of the acids already present in the digestive system.

Honey on the other hand, acts as an antibacterial which wards off any infection that may be present in your body.

3. Cleaning the Colon

The stomach accumulates toxins from undigested food, intestinal cells and dead bacteria that line the inner lining of the stomach.

This toxin buildup eventually causes disease. By drinking air lemonthe intestinal wall is stimulated which then causes the excretion of toxins.

The normal functioning of the colon helps in the proper absorption of nutrients in the body.

4. Improves the Lymphatic System

Have you ever felt tired and lethargic? According to research, a dehydrated lymphatic system is one of the main causes of many diseases including constipation, sleep disturbances, high or low blood pressure, stress, and lack of mental function.

Drinking lemon water in the morning helps hydrate the lymphatic system while providing the body with the essential nutrients it needs.

5. Improve Oral Health

Drinking lemon water can prevent bad breath. The acidity of lemon cleans the mouth by activating the salivary glands and killing invading bacteria.

When combined with honey, which has strong antibacterial properties, it can help fight bad breath and even prevent the formation of bacteria in the mouth.fny/jpnn)

Editor & Reporter : Fany Elisa

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