Sciensations, a project that links IMT Lille-Douai and Collège Victor-Hugo d’Auby

« The purpose of the experiments is to help the schoolchildren to appropriate the laboratory equipment and to explain to them, simply, the scientific phenomena they will encounter. », Explains Quentin Panuel, in charge of the Sciensations project. The proposed experiences are totally fun. The aim of the project is to introduce young people to … Read more

Celebrity couples who were married for a short time

Celebrities By: Elisa lvarez Espejo Updated: 15-01-2021 11:51 hours See guys As they say, they lasted a newscast. Reaching the year for some of them was quite an achievement. Nicolas cage he was married to one of his wives for only four days, Estefana de Mnaco was a repeat offender (Neither of their two marriages … Read more

Premier League: Denilson’s loneliness at Arsenal: “I thought ‘My God, is this my life?”

Premier League The Brazilian player recorded his time at the English club between 2006 and 2011 Denilson scores Xavi in ​​a Bara-Arsenal. Denilson Pereira Neves played five seasons in the Arsenal, at the orders of Arsene Wenger. The French technician was his main supporter when, at the age of 18, he landed in London, a … Read more

When science takes the microphone

For 25 years, Benoît Mâsse worked in the shadows, far from the cameras, like most scientists. Biostatistician and epidemiologist, professor at the School of Public Health at the University of Montreal, he found himself overnight in just about every media in the province explaining the complex details of a pandemic. Even I, a cultural columnist, … Read more

Washington fortified by risks of violence ahead of Biden’s inauguration

With 21,000 National Guard soldiers soon deployed and entire neighborhoods entrenched, Washington is under heavy surveillance amid threats of further demonstrations by Donald Trump supporters ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration ceremony on January 20. . “We are concerned about the risks of violence during the numerous demonstrations planned in the coming days in Washington … Read more

the FFF sentenced five years later

The administrative court of Châlons-en-Champagne (Marne) has ruled: Reims should not have been relegated to Ligue 2 at the end of the 2015-2016 season. The Champagne club, which finished the season in 18th place, should have stayed in the top flight and seen Bastia, then in the throes of enormous financial difficulties, go down one … Read more

[국제]How the 46th presidential inauguration ceremony takes place…

[앵커] The inauguration ceremony of the 46th President of the United States will be held on the early morning of the 20th and 21st our time. Biden-elect’s side is preparing for an inauguration event in the direction of maintaining the tradition as much as possible, but reducing the scale considerably in consideration of the corona … Read more

‘Iron Man’ Yoon Seong-bin, achieved bronze medal at the World Cup in 11 months

Yoon Seong-bin, who won the bronze medal in the 6th round of the Skeleton World Cup, who played late. Photo = Korea Bobsleigh Skeleton Federation [이데일리 스타in 이석무 기자] ‘Skeleton Iron Man’ Yoon Seong-bin (27, Gangwon Provincial Office) won a bronze medal in his first World Cup tournament this season. Yoon Sung-bin won a bronze … Read more