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▷ HZA-KR: Customs and Federal Police joint action against illegal employment …

03.02.2021 – 12:30

Main customs office Krefeld

A document

Krefeld (ots)

Together with the Federal Police Inspection in Kleve, customs officers from the financial control of undeclared work in Krefeld and Mönchengladbach checked a trading company in the Viersen district on February 2, 2021.

The operation was triggered by a check by the federal police, which took place in Viersen in mid-January 2021. The officers at the Dülken train station discovered a group of 15 Chinese people who had previously come from the Netherlands. After the police measures were over, a 53-year-old man was handed over to the Dutch authorities and a 30-year-old man was handed over to the Immigration Office in Viersen for demonstration (deportation) at the Krefeld District Court. The other travelers were asked in writing to report to the Immigration Office in Viersen. In the course of the interrogations, a suspected suspect stated that he was working with his companions in a company in Germany.

The company, which was initially not verified, could be located on the basis of the later investigations and checked yesterday. As part of the mission, the focus was on the provisions of the Anti-Illicit Work Act, compliance with the minimum wage, the illegal receipt of social benefits and the illegal employment of foreigners.

A total of seven workers with Chinese, Croatian and Hungarian identification papers were found on site and asked about their employment relationships. After the first statements, further interviews were carried out at the customs offices.

The further clarification of the facts with subsequent reviews of the business documents by the financial control of illegal work at the main customs office in Krefeld are still ongoing.

Please contact:

Main customs office Krefeld
Press officer
Rainer Wanzke
Telephone: 02151-850 10600
E-Mail: [email protected]

Original content from: Hauptzollamt Krefeld, transmitted by news aktuell

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