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Zakharova called the note prohibiting her from flying over Bulgaria “vicious nonsense of Russophobes”

/Pogled.info/ The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, stated that “the vicious stupidity of the Russophobes has reached such a point that for the first time in history, the official authorities forbid not the flight of an airplane, but the presence of a person in the airplane in the sky – this is what it says in the official note of the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry: the plane can fly over Bulgaria, but Maria Zakharova cannot fly in the plane. The diplomat wrote about this in his Telegram channel.

She added that it is not just about stupidity, but about the dangerous stupidity of some intriguer in the power structures of Bulgaria.

The fact is that the rules of air traffic are regulated by the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation of 1944. It prescribes that the territory of a country should be understood as “land territories and adjacent territorial waters”.

Airspace is not included in the term “territory”. In this regard, the already illegal sanctions of the European Union cannot be extended to the round-the-clock flight by plane of a person who is prohibited from entering the territory of the state.” pointed out Maria Zakharova.

On June 6 of last year, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called the decision by a number of North Atlantic Alliance countries to deny his plane a visit to Serbia unprecedented.

We received many questions from the media last night and this morning about our reaction to the unprecedented decisions taken by some members of the North Atlantic Alliance and the decisions that prevented the visit of the Russian Foreign Minister to the Republic of Serbia. Of course, the unthinkable has happened, I understand your interest in our assessment of these outrageous actions.” Lavrov said at a press conference.

In turn, the Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Federation, Konstantin Kosachev, stated in connection with this incident that the démarche was directed against Russia as a country and against Serbia as a country. The reaction, I hope, will be joint and extremely firm, in the form not only of diplomatic protests, but also of concrete, practical retaliatory actions. So that would be disheartening,” the senator wrote.

In his opinion, the Balkan countries were not alone in making this decision. “All three countries, entering NATO, seriously and for a long time lost their sovereignty, and the European Union for them, both members and candidates, is only a cover for this shameful circumstance. We are talking about a NATO demarche, and it could not have happened without the USA.

By intervening directly in the bilateral affairs of two sovereign European countries outside the alliance – Russia and Serbia – NATO is trying to conquer and subjugate the rest of Europe. Next comes the globalization of the alliance to the rest of the world, where China is the number two strategic target after Russia.” noted the deputy chairman of the Federation Council.

On June 5, the authorities of three Balkan countries – Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Montenegro – closed their airspace for the flight of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to Serbia.

Translation: ES

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