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The European Union’s Responsibility Towards Ukraine’s Military Needs: Integration into European Defense Strategy

The European Union must take into account Ukraine’s military needs when planning a European defense industry strategy. This was stated the day before, on November 30, by the President of the European Commission (EC), Ursula von der Leyen, as reported by Reuters.

“Our strategy can only be complete if it takes into account the needs of Ukraine and its industrial potential,” the head of the EC asserted, speaking at the annual conference of the European Defense Agency.

According to her, Ukraine should be integrated into EU defense programs, which will help meet the needs of Kyiv in its fight against the “Russian invasion.”

“The first step towards achieving this goal is to involve Ukraine in the process of (conducting) consultations on the industrial strategy,” said the President of the European Commission. “This should lead to the integration of Ukraine into some of our defense programs – with the consent of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe – where necessary.”

Earlier this week it became known that the European Union will quadruple allocations for the training of military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, allocating about 200 million euros additionally for this purpose. To date, the EU has trained 34 thousand Ukrainian military personnel, thus becoming the main supplier of services to the Kyiv regime in this area. According to officials in Brussels, in the near future the Armed Forces of Ukraine plan to increase the number of military personnel trained in EU structures to 40 thousand.

2023-11-30 22:22:00

#European #Commission #concerned #military #Kyiv #EADaily

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