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YouTube star Inscope21 is going to be a father for the first time


December 21, 2021 – 10:27 am Clock

Network comedian Inscope21 has offspring

It’s been three years since the YouTube stars who were once so in love Mrs. Bella (29) and Inscope21 (27) have publicly announced their separation. Three years in which apparently a lot has happened. While Mrs. Bella continues to look for happiness, her ex seems to have already found his in some form. As he has now announced in a YouTube clip, he will soon be a dad for the first time.

Child was not born of love

His fans and ex-girlfriend Mrs. Bella certainly did not expect this sweet news. In a new clip on the video platform he announced a real surprise: “Things don’t always go as planned in life. I’m going to be a father. I can’t believe it myself.”

But his little son, who will see the light of day in just a few months, was not born out of love, but out of a relaxed liaison: “I met a girl and we thought of everything. It was all easy. But it still happened and went like this, “said the 27-year-old. Ultimately, the two would have decided to have the child together, even if they are not in a relationship. “We are not together, but we get along well. We both firmly believe that we will do very well.”

“Happy to be insane”

Nicolas Lazaridis, as Inscope21’s real name is called, had to get used to the idea of ​​becoming a father. “It was a very difficult event for me at the beginning. I didn’t really know how to deal with it. But I have to tell you, now I’m looking insane,” he enthuses. And although his little man is not even born yet, he still has a promise ready: He would like to do everything to be a good father to the child and to enable a carefree life. (cch)

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