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World Heart Day, Young Women Are More At Risk

Suarapemerintah.ID – Every September 29, we commemorate World Heart Day. Initiated by World Heart Federation (WHF), the purpose of this warning is to make the world community aware that cardiovascular disease, including heart disease and stroke, is the main cause of death in the world world.

The warning also emphasizes the actions people can take to prevent and control the disease. Citing the official WHF website, the commemoration of World Heart Day aims to educate the public about controlling factors that can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Heart disease is still the leading cause of death in the world, resulting in around 18.7 deaths per year. Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) also reveals the same fact.

In 2015, WHO found that 70% of the 39.5 million deaths in the world were caused by non-communicable diseases. Of this amount as much as 45% or almost half of them are caused by heart and blood vessel disease.

Then what about domestically? Not much different, according to data from the 2018 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas), at least 15 out of 1,000 people in Indonesia suffer from heart or cardiovascular disease.

The number of deaths from this disease has also increased since the pandemic. Hospital records stated that before the pandemic the hospital death rate due to heart attacks was 8%, but during the pandemic, this figure was reported to have increased to 22%-23%.

Vulnerable young women

It should be known, heart disease does not only attack the elderly as most people understand so far. Head of Communication and Promotion of the Indonesian Heart Foundation, Mela Sabina said that heart disease is now also affecting young people.

Recent studies in the United States also found an increase in mortality from heart disease in women under the age of 65 years. Dr. Erin Michos of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine said women in the US are becoming increasingly unhealthy.

According to Michos, women often place health and other people’s needs above their own. They take care of children and the elderly, and work full time.

Therefore, she continued, women should prioritize their own health, especially since heart disease is largely preventable. Moreover, the high prevalence of heart disease is mostly caused by an unhealthy lifestyle.

Prevention is better

Lifestyle changes should be made as early as possible as an investment in future health. In the digital era like today, technological developments in the health sector will make it easier for people to get health services.

Mela Sabina said that currently more and more people are familiar with wearables such as watches or smart bracelets with the main feature of measuring the frequency and targets of various types of physical activity. So, everyone can have a reminder when they are living a bad lifestyle.

Meanwhile, a heart and blood vessel specialist, Vito A. Damay said, one way to prevent heart disease is to increase the body’s resistance as best as possible, eat nutritious foods, avoid sugar, salt and excessive fat, take supplements and multivitamins if needed. .

He also reminded him to regularly check his health by consulting a doctor through a telemedicine facility. But when it is felt that there are disturbing symptoms, Dr. Vito advises to immediately visit the nearest health facility or hospital to immediately get further treatment.

Further examination related to heart health can be known from the results of the ECG. This was expressed by dr. Rizky Aulia, a cardiovascular specialist from Budhi Asih Hospital, East Jakarta.

When a patient comes to the ER with chest pain, for example, the cause can be determined from the EKG, whether it’s from a brugada having problems or from a heart attack.

Further, dr. Rizky also said that people who look healthy are very likely to be at risk of heart attacks because the patient’s perception of being healthy is not necessarily healthy. Therefore, he stressed the importance of a thorough health check to prevent the onset of cardiovascular disease.

Then, how to prevent a heart attack? He explained that it could be done by eliminating risk factors. You do this by doing regular exercise by adopting the “rules of three”, namely three exercise sessions a week for 30 minutes. Or, at least walk at least 3 kilos a day. (Tasha – Indonesian Female Member One)

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