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women in Afghanistan must stay at home and have children

The radical Islamist Taliban has backed down from its pledge to respect women’s rights. The militants said that there was no need for women to be represented in the Afghan government, they were supposedly better off at home, giving birth and raising children in the traditions of Islam.

This was stated by the representative of the movement Syed Zekrullah Hashimi on the air. TOLO news… Thus, the movement confirmed that there will be no women in the new government.

Hashimi believes: they say, women cannot do work in the ministry, it is “unbearable” for them.

“The women of Afghanistan give life to the people of Afghanistan, teach Islamic ethics,” the Taliban spokesman said.

About the work of the country’s inhabitants in politics, he spoke like this: “You are trying to put on her neck what she cannot bear.”

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Moreover, Hashimi compared the work of women in government positions to prostitution. In his opinion, this allegedly happens in America.

“Over the past 20 years, whatever the media have said about it, the United States and its puppet government, hasn’t it represented nothing more than a pro-bono in the workplace?” The Taliban asked.

Since his interview was given against the backdrop of women’s protests in Afghanistan, the militant said: supposedly, one should not judge all women in the country by the participants in such actions.

As previously wrote OBOZREVATEL:

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