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With a digital vaccination card they pave the way to the health pass

How does it work? Entering the website www.vacunate.gov.py, you must click on the Covid-19 Digital Vaccination Card button to access the platform. There you must complete a short form with the document number and date of birth. By clicking on Consult, the data of the vaccination that one has with the number of doses received and the respective dates of application are automatically generated on the screen.

The system generates a QR code, which “can be downloaded in PDF format so that citizens can have it available on their cell phones or in whatever medium they have,” explained Mr. Luis Álvarez, director of the General Directorate of Information and Communication Technology (Dgtic). He clarified that this card does not replace any tool or document that the MSP already has.

“This tool can be used for the organization of events, for access control to gastronomic premises through the scanning of the code. This way you can verify if the information shown on the screen is valid or not”, he explained.

Álvarez pointed out that the digital vaccination card is, for now, a consultation tool and does not imply that people are obliged to enter or obtain the certificate.

“Now, if the Government establishes some sanitary measures and requires vaccination, nothing else would be using this tool for verification. But that is already outside of what the tool is, ”he launched on the eventual application of some type of health pass.

Necessary segregation

As the vaccination itself is not mandatory, tools such as the virtual card allow the separation of vaccinated people from non-vaccinated people in a given place or event.

The director of the Dgtic explained that if a place wants to implement the filter to allow only the entry of vaccinated people or generates special sites for them, it must ask its clients or participants to enter their data on the site to generate the data. At the entrance gate, the QR code is scanned and you will instantly know if that person is vaccinated with the complete schedule.

“The QR code is one of the most widely implemented tools in almost all countries for the certification of digital documents,” he said, commenting on where the idea for this tool came from.

“The minister himself (Julio Borba) when he made his trip to Switzerland felt that experience of some places where he went to have lunch, they asked him if he had a QR code to locate him in a vaccinated zone or in a non-vaccinated zone,” he said.

Borba shared his experience and ordered the implementation of the same in view of the possibility that these types of measures will also have to be taken here. “Now we have a tool ready for that purpose,” he shot.

Claims to 138

Complaints about incomplete or erroneous information will be channeled through calls to 138. “If there is any inconsistency or the data is incorrect, the citizen can file a complaint and it helps us to make the corrections and claim at the vaccination centers where it was carried out. the burden of that record”, concluded Álvarez.

Indeed, yesterday several people reported on social networks that they had even received the third dose, but that it was not included in that system.

A gastronomic establishment may decide that those who enter must be vaccinated. Now, they can already take advantage of the tool to check if that person is vaccinated. Ing. Luis Álvarez, director of the Dgtic of Public Health.

3.660.105 People received at least the first anti-Covid dose as of February 3, according to EPI data.

3.109.517 vaccinated completed the scheme with two doses, which means 46% of the target population to be vaccinated.

889.679 people applied the third dose, of about 2 million vaccinated who can already receive that booster.

Continue vaccination application

Children who have not yet received their doses can do so, since the application of the anti-Covid to children between 5 and 11 years of age with Coronavac continues. The immunization of adolescents from 12 to 17 years of age with Pfizer and the population of 18 years of age and older with the available platforms also continues.

From the Ministry of Health they remind that for the first dose children and adolescents (5 to 17 years old) must be accompanied by one of their parents or legal guardian, present identity card of the adult and adolescent, photocopy of the birth certificate or notebook of family, or photocopy of the judicial resolution, in the case of the guardian or temporary guardian.

It highlights that if there is no birth certificate or any documentation that supports the affiliation, the adult companion may sign a sworn statement that certifies the affiliation or the degree of kinship with the adolescent (with the photocopy of the adult’s identity card and of the adolescent).

An important detail to save time is that the model of the affidavit can be downloaded from: https:/www.vacunate.gov.py/index-model-certificates.html.


From Health they also insist that the vaccination scheme be complied with, for those who do not yet have their second and third doses, they inform that they will be able to go to the vaccination clinics from Monday, February 7. “Regardless of where you have applied the first or second dose, you can go to the nearest vaccination center to complete your schedule.”

It highlights that from Monday the first, second and third doses will be available. Those who want to access places enabled for immunization can do so on the page www.vacunate.gov.py. In this space you can see the available vaccinations distributed in the departments.

They will also vaccinate in schools to reach more children

Once school activity starts in educational institutions in the public system, the Ministry of Health plans to take the vaccination campaign against Covid-19 inside schools.

In this way, it is intended to apply the vaccine to the pediatric population from 5 to 11 years of age, included in the anti-Covid immunization plan from this week.

In light of the experience already had with other vaccines in the regular vaccination program, the health authorities are confident that with this strategy they will be able to reach more infants; since – although the influx in the vaccination centers was high these days – less than half of those registered went to receive their first dose against Covid.

Of just over 251,000 registered to receive the antigen, during the three exclusive days for that age group, less than half were vaccinated: 113,947 boys and girls. This represents 45.4% of the number of registrants on the Vaccine web portal.

“Vaccination in schools is always a valid strategy for any vaccination program. We would only depend on making the necessary doses available and planning a staggered strategy for this type of vaccination,” said Dr. Martha Von Horoch, technical coordinator of the Expanded Program on Immunizations (EPI).

“It is a strategy designed to be used, we already do it with other vaccines of the regular schedule,” he signed in a row.

For the specialist, the fact that only 26% of the population is registered for vaccination “may be an access problem.”

“That is why we are now enabling vaccination on Saturday and Sunday, in some defined vaccination clinics that are available on the Ministry’s website. In addition, the vaccination of children will be enabled at the former Aratirí racetrack, until 6:00 p.m. ”, he pointed out.

“We believe that, in this way, we can make it easier for these children who were registered to be able to get vaccinated at these vaccinations,” he added.

without the same ID

Dr. Von Horoch clarified that if the child or adolescent does not have an identity card, this will not be a reason for rejection. “At the vaccination center, a temporary code must be generated for the registration of your vaccination,” he said.

For the same reason, if they do not have a copy of the birth certificate or family book, they indicated that they have the affidavit that must be signed by the responsible adult, attaching a photocopy of their identity card.

Vaccination in schools is a valid strategy for any vaccination program. We would only depend on making the necessary doses available and planning a staggered strategy for this type of vaccination. Dr. Martha Von Horoch, coordinator of the Expanded Program on Immunizations.

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