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Will Prohibiting Sleep after Fajr Affect Provision?


Islam recognizes the prohibition of sleeping after dawn. According to a history, this is related to sustenance.

One of the scholars who discuss the prohibition of sleeping after dawn is Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauziyah. In his book entitled Madarijus-Salikin he said that the law of sleeping after dawn until sunrise is makruh.

According to Ibn Qayyim Al-Gauziyah, that time was like spoils of war because it had many virtues. One of them is the time when sustenance descends and blessings come.

In a narration, the Prophet SAW prayed for Muslims,

O Allah, bless my nation in its early days

Meaning: “Oh God, bless my people in the morning.” (HR Abu Dawud, Ibnu Majah, and At-Tirmidhi)

In addition, there is a hadith that specifically mentions the prohibition of sleeping after dawn. From Ibn Abbas RA, Rasulullah SAW said,

When you pray the dawn prayer, do not sleep while seeking your livelihood.

Meaning: “After the Fajr (dawn) prayer, do not sleep until you neglect to earn sustenance.” (HR Thabrani)

detikHikmah I haven’t found the quality of the hadith whether it can be used as evidence.

The priority of dawn is also explained in the book Practices that open the doors of fortune by Nasruddin. It is said, dawn is the beginning of the day, where Allah SWT has opened and distributed sustenance for all His creatures on earth.

Explained further, people who sleep at that time reflect the behavior of lazy people.

Farid Nu’man in the book Everyday Practical Fiqh explained, it would be a shame if this blessed time was wasted. It would be better and more important if this time after dawn was filled with activities of remembrance or reading the Qur’an.

Abdul Syukur Al-Azizi in the book Hadits-Hadits Sains scientifically explain the reasons for the prohibition of sleeping after dawn.

It was explained that in scientific research it was revealed that the level of ozone gas containing oxygen reaches its peak in the last third of the night and will slowly thin out until sunrise.

This ozone gas is very effective in preventing lung damage, blocked arteries, improving blood circulation, diabetes, asthma, aging, allergies, heart disease, increasing immunity, and stimulating the nerves to work properly.

Taking a deep breath in the morning can also increase the speed of blood flow to the brain, so that the brain gets oxygen-rich blood faster.

This was revealed by experts at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, United States.

That is why the Prophet SAW ordered his people to wake up in the morning and forbid sleeping after dawn. He said,

“I would rather sit with a people who remember God from the morning prayer until sunrise than freeing four people from Ismail’s grandchildren.” (HR Abu Dawud)

Asiqin Zuhdi in the book Islam On The Spot: Collection of Interesting Information Regarding Islamic Teachings (Volume 1) also provides an explanation regarding the prohibition of sleeping after dawn according to Islam. There are six dangers of sleeping after dawn, including:

  • Not in accordance with the instructions of the Qur’an and As-Sunnah.

Rasulullah SAW, strictly forbade sleeping after dawn. There is one practice that if it is done after Fajr, the reward is the same as the reward for Hajj and Umrah, namely not moving after the Fajr prayer, filling it with various religious practices (tadarus, remembrance, and so on), until the sun rises.

  • Not the morals of pious salafs.

Sleeping in the morning is not part of the morals and habits of pious salafus. Salafus pious himself is the best generation of Muslims, namely during the companions, tabiin, and tabiut tabiin. This habit is actually an act that is hated.

  • Not getting a blessing in the time of his practice. How can blessings come if he himself sleeps, this actually makes him lose the sustenance from Allah SWT.
  • Causing lazy and uninspired the rest of the day.
  • Obstructing the arrival of sustenance.
  • Causes various bodily ailments.

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