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Why is the status of the Central Java monkey smallpox suspect different? Turns out this is the test


So far, Indonesia has found a total of ten suspected monkeypox patients. Nine of them have been confirmed negative, while one new suspect in Pati district, Central Java, is still under investigation.

It was rumored that the suspect in Pati had tested negative for monkeypox. However, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia straightened that the news could not be confirmed. The reason is, the suspect has just been declared negative from the oropharynx sample test. Meanwhile samples from skin lesions are still being examined.

“There were two samples that were examined. First, the mouth and throat swab (oropharynx) was negative. Second, the swab for rash lesions (pox), this is just a PCR laboratory examination process. There are no results yet,” said the spokesman for the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Mohammad Syahril, on detik.comThursday (4/8/2022) night.



The head of the Monkeypox (monkeypox) Task Force PB Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) as well as Dr. Hanny Nilasari, SpKK explained that there are two stages of examination in the examination of monkeypox. First, the oropharynx swab. Second, swab the skin lesion.

According to him, the sensitivity of swabs in skin lesions is higher than swabs in the oropharynx. Then if a positive result is only obtained from one of these swabs, a person will still be confirmed as positive for monkeypox.

“The sensitivity of the examination depends on the method of collection. The newer the lesion, of course, the more virus will be detected. The sensitivity rate for the examination is higher. When compared between the oropharynx and swab lesions on the skin, of course, the most sensitive is the swab of lesions on the skin,” he explained. in an online discussion, Friday (5/8/2022).

“If one of the results of the examination is positive, it is confirmed positive,” said Dr. Hanny further.

Watch Videos”The results of the suspected monkey pox test in Pati are negative
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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