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Who Would You Most Like to Meet for Dinner? Lucerne’s Surprising Answer

Who would you most like to meet for dinner with? (Image: Louis Hansel / Unsplash)

Who would you like to meet for dinner with? The answers to this question are surprisingly clear in Lucerne.

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Editorial team centralplus

When journalists no longer know what to report on, they do a street survey. Or they write about it. In this case it is the latter.

The current occasion is a street survey by “SRF Virus” in the city of Lucerne. The simple, if not so simple, question to passers-by was: Which person – dead or alive – would you like to have dinner with tonight?

The answers are diverse and range from Beyoncé to Roger Federer to Albert Einstein. Nevertheless, a surprising favorite has emerged in Lucerne: the grandparents.

Parents lose out to their parents

Twelve percent of Lucerne women surveyed would prefer to have dinner with their grandparents. That corresponds to around one in eight Lucerne residents and is the only top value. The stars Roger Feder and Beyoncé follow in second place. Parents were also mentioned frequently. But with five percent of the vote, they can no longer compete with their own parents.

The results of the survey are surprisingly clear. (Image: Screenshot SRF Virus)

And who would you like to have dinner with? Write it in the comments.

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2023-10-14 17:03:40
#Lucerne #residents #prefer #eat #dinner #grandmother #Roger #Feder #centralplus

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