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Who is Dreadpool and why should you meet him?

Dreadpool is a very different character from Deadpool although they are essentially the same character. This character in particular has an official name that is … Deadpool but his own creators and the entire community know him as such, Dreadpool, with an R.

Interestingly, it has a big difference from the Deadpool of Earth-616 and that is that this Dreadpool managed to kill the entire Marvel universe.

Dreadpool is the protagonist of the Deadpool comic mini series Kills the Marvel Universe, one that had a sequel where he tries to kill all the heroes of literature, such as Don Quixote de la Mancha himself and, eventually, tries to kill everyone the Deadpool from other alternate dimensions.

One of the things that makes this character relevant today is that in the WandaVision series it has been revealed that the Nexus exists, a place where you can access all the reality and timelines of Marvel and outside of Marvel, place Dreadpool accessed to kill his counterparts from other universes.

Also, we know that a third Deadpool movie is already in the works that could get him into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and this could be possible thanks to the Nexus. That is, we could see Deadpool travel between dimensions in the same way that we have seen him do it in the aforementioned series and that some reference is made to Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe.

Although if you think about it, it is very likely that Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool is already Dreadpool, since he traveled to different reality from Fox’s own films to kill his alternate versions, including the one where he agrees to be part of the film Green Lantern.

This is scary friends, it’s scary but exciting.

Miguel Bravo is editor of IGN Latin America. Lover of everything that comes from Japan, video games and good stories. Engineering student in animation and Japanese language. You can follow him on social networks like @ElDetectiveMike

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