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Where are gatherings of more than 10 people prohibited? | Society

After on August 14, the autonomous communities and the Ministry of Health agreed to prohibit smoking when social distance was not respected in public places, in addition to suddenly closing nightclubs and bars, the autonomous communities have begun to adopt a whole battery of measures to contain what no one doubts is a second wave of coronavirus.

Most of these new restrictions are aimed at limiting social life and containing the movement of citizens as far as possible.. Everything under the very complex scenario back to school and back to work throughout the month of September, despite the fact that in some cases it has been delayed.

The Ministry of Health left a simple recommendation to limit private meetings to no more than ten people, but some communities have directly prohibited it – in some cases generating lawsuits with the Justice on whether or not a community can limit a fundamental right such as the meeting- in most cases the courts have been unable to do anything due to the prevalence of public healthBut in what places is it forbidden to gather more than ten people?


He limited social gatherings to ten people even on the street on August 18, forced the closure of the hotel business at one thirty, as well as the closure of public transport at this same time and, also, the prohibition of eating on trains and buses on trips of more than two hours. The capacity in public swimming pools was also reduced to 60%.


He prohibited the meetings of more than ten people on August 24. The increase in infections forced to delay the return to schools and Quim Torra He stressed the importance of interacting whenever possible with the same groups of people.


It went further than the previous examples and prohibited gatherings of more than six people. It reduced the number of attendees to weddings and baptisms, as well as funerals and of course it struck down the nightlife.


He made the decision on August 26 to limit social gatherings. Today they go further and it has come into force the resolution that extends and expands limitations and restrictions to stop the spread of the coronavirus and that contemplates, among other measures, the closure of outdoor playgrounds and the prohibition of festivals and popular festivals.

The limitations included in the resolution will be valid for 15 days from their publication in the BOIB, although they can be extended if the circumstances that motivate them persist or lifted if they disappear.


First it was one and then another, but they limited the meetings of more than ten people as of September 1 and 3 respectively.


Madrid began to apply the new containment measures as of September 7 and includes, in addition to the limitation of the number of people, the closure of parks at night and the separation of tables to a meter and a half, among other restrictions . Navarra has been the last to adopt new measures and it has limited the meetings to no more than six people, except in the case of cohabiting people, also close the peñas and gastronomic societies and the capacity is limited both in hotels, celebrations and different events to 50 percent.

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