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When is the Right Time for Humans to Go to Mars?

Suara.com – Human delivery to Mars is still an ambitious mission scientist, but there is a problem radiation dangerous during a long space flight, to get to the Red Planet.

This radiation can cause brain damage, digestive problems, and even cancer. Although risky, but the journey is not impossible.

In the new research, experts have some suggestions for dealing with safety concerns and choosing the best time to go to Mars.

This study mentions two main types of harmful particle radiation, namely solar energy particles (SEP) from the Sun and galactic cosmic rays (GCR) from outside the solar system.

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Experts point out that the solar maximum time, when the Sun is at its highest level of activity, is the ideal time for humans to go to Mars.

“This is because during solar maximum time, the most dangerous particles and energy from distant galaxies are deflected by increased solar activity, thereby protecting the spacecraft,” said scientists from the University of California, Los Angeles. CNET, Friday (27/8/2021).

Planet Mars. [Shutterstock]

Spacecraft designers should focus on protecting astronauts from SEPs, but the impact of GCR damage during solar maximum time will be less.

The team of experts also recommend keeping round trips to Mars to less than four years, although the study admits this could change if new aircraft protective materials are developed.

Travel times to Mars may vary, but there are times when the Earth-Mars journey is shorter because it coincides with the Sun’s maximum period, which is between 2030 and 2050.

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