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What 4 vitamins can slow down aging

What vitamins should the body receive in order not to age.

What vitamins does our body require / photo pixabay.com

What vitamins does our body require / photo pixabay.com

There are four vitamins that you should not miss if you want not to age as long as possible. These vitamins protect against shortening of telomeres – DNA fragments, the value of which determines the life expectancy.

One of the most effective ways to influence telomeres is nutrition, which provides the body with certain vitamins, writes Medikforum.

Vitamin D. A higher level of vitamin D is associated with longer telomeres: this is because this vitamin increases the activity of an enzyme such as telomerase, which restores telomeres. According to data published by the International Journal of Obesity, overweight people who took 2,000 IU of vitamin D per day were able to increase their telomere length by almost 20 percent. Another study found that in women with the highest levels of vitamin D, telomere status corresponds to an age that is 5 years younger.

To replenish vitamin D in the body, foods such as sardines, herring, salmon, tuna, beef liver, eggs should be included in the diet.

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B vitamins. Vitamin B complex helps the body get rid of homocysteine, an aminoxylate that destroys telomerase. In this regard, three B vitamins are especially distinguished: B9, B6 and B12.

To provide the body with B vitamins, you should use legumes, meat and offal, eggs, nuts, green vegetables, sour-milk products, cereals.

Vitamin E. This vitamin has the ability to correct malfunctions in telomeres, essentially restoring them. In a study of aging features of human cells, vitamin E-treated cells began to resemble younger cells with longer telomeres, better replication ability and less DNA damage. Scientists suggest that alpha-tocopherol vitamin E can significantly inhibit telomere shortening, which occurs with age.

Rich sources of vitamin E are sunflower seeds and sunflower oil, spinach, almonds, peanuts, and red bell peppers.

Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can reduce the damage done to cells by free radicals (oxidizing molecules). But it is also able to slow down the process of telomere shortening. Scientists have conducted experiments using vitamin C in the treatment of Werner syndrome (adult progeria). This vitamin was able to surpass all other test compounds: its effect on telomere lengthening was associated with an improvement in cell nuclei and a decrease in the production of inflammatory cytokines.

In addition to citrus fruits, you can get vitamin C from kiwi, strawberries, leafy greens, and various types of bell peppers.

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