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Welfare couples who divorce often have to pay back benefits incorrectly

Couples without assistance often make mistakes

Even with couples without assistance, the ex-partner counts towards the tax return in the year of the divorce. Yet they cannot run into the same problems as welfare families. But due to the complicated rules, they often make mistakes themselves with their tax return. With all the financial consequences that entails.

In 2019, the Tax and Customs Administration investigated how often people made mistakes with their tax return in the year in which they divorced. The answer: 2.5 times as many as married couples. In particular, it often went wrong with the mortgage interest deduction and the childcare allowance.

“Many people are not aware of all the rules. It is really complicated,” says Alexander Leuftink, chairman of the Association of Family and Inheritance Lawyers and Divorce Mediators. “For many divorced couples, the best option is to remain tax partners that first year.”

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