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We have six defense options – Zelensky

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Zelensky announced six options for defense

The President emphasized that today Ukraine is fighting for the values ​​of freedom and democracy, and other countries of the civilized world should support our state in this struggle.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that the authorities have six options for the defense of the country. He said this in an interview with CNN and Reuters today.

According to the head of state, the authorities were preparing “for everything” and developed options for the defense of the country.

“But when you prepare in advance, it is not necessary to prepare your enemy in order for him to be ready for your reaction. So I did not like this situation, that we have to risk everything and say that we are preparing, “Look, here we will act like this, and here it is… “We have six options for the defense of our country,” Zelensky said.

The head of state demanded security guarantees from NATO if the Alliance does not accept our country because of Russia.

“We are not holding out, we are fighting. And the Ukrainian nation will fight until the end, until the end of its life. The question is not about us, the question is how long this (Russian – ed.) leadership will last. We defend ourselves because we are at home, “We protect our children, at home. For the sake of the future of our children. You see that no one chooses goals anymore. Children are dying, dozens. We are defending our right to live,” the president added.

Zelensky also believes that if sanctions were introduced earlier, there would be no invasion

“And we warned both President Biden and the European Union: enter preventively, impose sanctions earlier, you will see what the reaction will be, there will be no invasion. Nobody heard me either. And now you see what is happening,” the head of the Ukrainian states.

In addition, he rhetorically asked what they were doing here, and said that the army was simply sent to kill and die.

“The world sees that it is necessary to sit down at the negotiating table,” Zelensky stressed.

Recall earlier today Zelensky spoke in the European Parliament and urged to consider the option “Ukraine’s choice of Europe.”

Historical claim. Will Ukraine be admitted to the EU?

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