Home » today » Health » “We are helpless”: the bleak story of a woman with cancer who was left on the street with her entire family

“We are helpless”: the bleak story of a woman with cancer who was left on the street with her entire family

The case of Johana Maureira shocked the country, and is that in addition to having cancer, both she and her family are living in the open.

– A few hours ago the story of Johana Maureira, a woman that fight with breast cancer, but many things in life further complicated the path of improvement. She lives in Mendoza with her husband and three children, and was evicted from a very humble little house where they could protect themselves from the elements and meet their basic needs. Desperate and looking for a light among so many problems, they began the incessant search for a roof to live with his family.- Johana’s cancer is strong, and her health is very fragile. Unfortunately, chemotherapy treatments were not effective enough and the disease came to take him to the bone, so she continues to undergo procedures that can rid her of that evil.- José Luis is the name of Johana’s husband, and he has been unemployed for some time. “He had to quit his job at a construction company to dedicate yourself to raising children when I got sick three years ago ”, the woman explained in an interview. –

According to the woman’s accounts, the precarious house in which they were found was located in the Espejo neighborhood of Las Heras, and they assure that “the owners of the place had sold the land, we had to leave their home and we were on the street”. They then chose to go to the Municipality of Las Heras, but the only thing they could do at the institution was provide merchandise.

They do not have work or relatives who can help them, so the Maureira are devastated in the streets. “We are surviving thanks to the help of the people, Helpless, this has overtaken us”José Luis told the newspaper between tears.


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