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We are cemented by Belarusian concrete. It gets worse and worse – o2

The cement industry has a strong influence on the Polish economy. It provides 2 million jobs and generates 8 percent. GDP. It also provides local economies and the public finance sector with up to PLN 3.8 billion a year, writes the wnp.pl portal.

Poland is “flooded” by Belarusian cement

Foreign cement stands in the way of the development of the cement industry. Specifically, the one imported from Belarus, Turkey and Ukraine. The Cement Producers Association (SPC) warns that producers from these countries do not comply with the European Union’s climate regulations. Therefore, the import of their cement increases the carbon footprint by up to 15%. in relation to the domestic.

We are dealing with the export of cement from Belarus that is not burdened with the costs of the climate transformation and very expensive CO2 emission rights – warned Krzysztof Kieres, chairman of the SPC.


Cement from Belarus to Poland flows smoothly. In 2020, the import of this raw material amounted to over 440 thousand. tons, which means an increase of 80 percent. compared to the results of imports in 2019. However, if we compare the data for 2016, the difference is even greater, almost 300%!

Will there be an embargo on cement?

It is unlikely that this year’s cement import from Belarus will slow down. By the end of June, 233,000 tons of Belarusian cement had already been delivered to the Vistula River. According to experts interviewed by the wnp.pl portal, by the end of 2021, the import of raw material from our neighbors will exceed half a million tons.


Therefore, there are more and more voices calling for an embargo on the import of cement from Belarus. The Left MEPs Andrzej Szejna and Przemysław Koperski as well as the MEPs Adam Jarubas (PSL) and Grzegorz Tobiszowski (PiS) are calling for it.

See also: Taxes will increase significantly and this will happen soon. “The government is cheating on society”


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