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Vitrines de Chartres take part in a national photo competition

According to the National Federation of Town Centers (FNCV), in all municipalities in France, town centers are suffering from a drop in attendance, and traders have been and are still impacted by the various confinements and health measures imposed by the government.

It is to give back to shopping city centers the image and prestige they deserve that this Federation has been organizing, since August 19, its first photo competition entitled The most beautiful shopping city centers.

First prize: a street decoration worth 10,000 €

“57 municipalities are participating in this competition, including the City of Chartres, through the Vitrines de Chartres association,” explains Nathalie Casalinho, city center developer for the Chartres association.

Goal : try to win the first prize, a street decoration worth 10,000 €, thanks to which the Vitrines de Chartres could create “a ceiling of umbrellas or this type of decoration in the city center of Chartres”.

To win, the Vitrines de Chartres need the support of the population. “We selected a photo representing the city center of Chartres for the organizers”, explains Nathalie Casalinho. In this case a photo representing the Place du Cygne and the Place Marceau, whose rights the association bought two years ago from the photographer Arnaud Hébert.

“Now we invite anyone who wants to vote for this photo, on Facebook or Instagram, until September 6, when this contest closes.”

Nathalie Casalinho (empty)

The City of Chartres, which is notably in competition with three other cities in the Center – Val de Loire region (Blois, Châteauroux and Montargis), was in sixth place last Tuesday in the general classification. “We therefore need the vote of all to finish in first place,” insists Nathalie Casalinho.

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