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Virginia Giuffre on BBC: meeting Prince Andrew was “terrible”

Panorama Giuffre about disgust with Prince Andrew

“I had just been molested by a member of the Royal Family”

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Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre describes meeting Prince Andrew

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The American Virginia Giuffre has again made serious allegations against Prince Andrew. Your descriptions are likely to bring the 59-year-olds in need of explanation. In a recent TV interview, Andrew said he had never seen Giuffre before.

The meeting with Prince Andrew was “terrible”, says Virginia Giuffre. The American claims in the BBC interview that she was forced to have sex. The then 17-year-old felt disgust when the Royal approached her in a nightclub.

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EOne of the victims in the abuse scandal involving the US businessman Jeffrey Epstein has again made serious allegations against the British Prince Andrew. Virginia Giuffre describes in one BBC-Interviewthat she was forced to have sex with the Royal three times, two times as a 17-year-old. The attacks are said to have taken place in 2001 and 2002. According to the BBC, Andrew should expect to be summoned to testify when traveling to the United States in the future.

The prince, who is considered the favorite son of Queen Elizabeth II, denies the allegations. The 59-year-old had little to counter the detailed descriptions of the American in a BBC interview last month. The British broadcaster had already recorded the Giuffre interview at the time, but deliberately withheld it.

Giuffre says Andrew gave her vodka to drink in a London nightclub. Then he wanted to dance with her. “He’s the most hideous dancer I’ve seen in my entire life,” said the woman in the interview that aired Monday night. “It was terrible.”

“I knew I had to make him happy”

Andrew sweated a lot – “it rained practically everywhere”. She was disgusted with it, said the American. “But I knew I had to make him happy.” Jeffrey Epstein and his friend Ghislaine Maxwell would have expected that of her. She was later pressured to sleep with Andrew. “It didn’t take very long, the whole procedure. It was disgusting, ”recalled Giuffre. “I had just been molested by a member of the Royal Family.” She urged the UK public to support her.

Andrew was friends with the US multimillionaire Epstein for years and stayed overnight at various Epstein properties on several occasions. The US-American with a relevant criminal record committed suicide in August 2019 in custody. He was charged with abusing dozens of minors and forcing them into prostitution. Even after Epstein’s first stay in prison, Andrew had not given up contact with him, which he has now publicly regretted.

Mette-Marit also regrets contact with Epstein

Norway’s Crown Princess Mette-Marit also regrets contact with the multimillionaire Epstein, who had many prominent friends. “I would never have had anything to do with Epstein if I had been aware of the gravity of his crimes,” the 46-year-old told the Norwegian newspaper “Dagens Næringsliv”. “I should have examined Epstein’s past more closely, and I regret that I did not.” She also expressed her “solidarity” with Epstein’s victims. As the newspaper reported on Monday, Mette-Marit met the businessman several times in 2011 and 2013 in the US and Oslo. At the time he had already been convicted and served in prison for abuse.

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Prince Andrew is talking about head and neck in the BBC interview

In the interview, to which Buckingham Palace consented unconditionally, the Duke of York raised more questions than he answered. His attempt to wash himself off the allegations failed thoroughly.

After a completely unsuccessful TV interview, with which he actually wanted to restore his reputation, Andrew recently resigned from all public duties for the royal family. He also promised to help the investigative authorities. Andrew must expect subpoenas to testify on future trips to the United States, the BBC reported on Monday. Corresponding applications were made by five Epstein victims.

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The prince does not want to recognize a photo that shows Andrew with the then 17-year-old Virginia Giuffre in Maxwell’s house in London. Claims that the photo could have been manipulated, Giuffre described in the BBC interview as “ridiculous”. “There is only one of us who is telling the truth, and I know that I am.” She begs the British to believe her. “This is not a dirty sex story. (…) This is a story about abuse. “

Investigations continue after Epstein’s death

Scotland Yard did not want to pursue a human trafficking complaint for sexual exploitation against Epstein and Maxwell. Most of the alleged crimes occurred outside of the UK. Therefore, there is no jurisdiction. According to the BBC, Giuffre had filed the complaint.

No authority is currently accusing Prince Andrew of wrongdoing. Nor did the prince’s name appear in the summer’s indictment against Epstein, which brought the case back into motion. After Epstein’s suicide, the New York prosecutors had repeatedly announced that the investigations into suspects would continue. It cannot be ruled out that this could result in new charges. It is unclear whether Andrew will be investigated directly.

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