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VIDEO. Montauban: Émile Moret, 16, the scooter in his blood

the essential
The young Montalbanais Emile Moret has a dream: to make the freestyle scooter his job. A discipline in full development in which the teenager is already obtaining interesting results.

If you go through the skate park in front of the Antoine Bourdelle high school you will not be able to miss it. With his scooter, Emile Moret impresses. This young 16-year-old Montalbanais who is entering his final year at Lycée Michelet, does somersaults, twists and other “tricks” at the wheel of his racing car. “In fifth grade, I have friends who were skateboarding and who offered to come to the park, I went there with my trott and since that day I have never let go” says the youngster. blue eyed prodigy.

The two-wheeled acrobat

Over time, Emile develops undeniable technical qualities. No wonder for this teenager who has always been very attracted to the acrobatic world, having already practiced breakdance and Parkour. “It’s a very technical, very aerial practice, he explains, I watched a few videos and I said to myself that it was crazy what we could do, there are a billion technical combinations. possible and that’s what I like too. That we can do whatever we want “.

Competitions, sponsorship …

After some time of practice, Emile launches into competitions: “My first competition was in Agen when I had a year of practice, says the teenager, I did not manage to reach the podium but a year after in 2019 I came first, I progressed very quickly. And since then, I try to move as much as possible in the region and even the country to progress, to meet up with friends and to have the maximum pleasure “. An initiative that is starting to pay off.

Recently, the high school student even has a sponsor: “It’s a store in Lyon called CDK Scooter Shop. They did a recruitment campaign where we had to make a video on Instagram and a little cover letter. had hundreds of applications and they retained five, including me. It’s a boost. They give me reductions on the gear, give me visibility and in exchange I too do some publicity and represents them during competitions “.

The Montalbanese rider has already acquired some great feats of arms: “The award of which I am most proud was during a competition organized by my sponsor in Lyon. I won the” best tricks “in the pro category. There were adults from all over the world, from the USA, from England, and for 30 minutes everyone was let loose on the skate park to try to make the biggest figure. And I was the one who won the title. J ‘I even won a prize of 250 euros, ”he says with satisfaction.

… without forgetting the studies

From there to imagine a professional career? Hard. The freestyle scooter only entered the French Roller and Skateboard Federation last year. A practice still in full development which tempers the objectives of the boy: “My biggest dream would be to make a living from this but you also have to be realistic, I think it will be very complicated. I am responsible for the studies behind”. But even if that doesn’t work, the young boy wants to “stay in the board sports world, in a store for example” or try an engineering school. But at 16, he still allows himself the right to dream: “From next season, I will start to register in the pro category and no longer junior. I hope to integrate the” Pro Team “category of my sponsor (instead of “Flow Team” currently) which would allow me to have all the free parts, the registration fees for competitions covered and even part of the travel covered because for the moment it remains quite expensive ” . Staying with your feet on the ground while spending your days with your head in the air, one more acrobatics for the young Montalbanais.

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