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Video.. A nutritionist explains to followers an oil that fights cancer and is an anti-aging oil that keeps you young and protects the arteries of the heart.

Olive oil is emerging as an essential ingredient in healthy lifestyles. This golden liquid, once considered the elixir of life, returns today to take its place as a champion in the world of nutrition and health. According to Dr. Ibrahim Al-Iraqi, a well-known nutritionist, olive oil has exceptional benefits that make it more than just a delicious addition to our dishes. Olive oil is a rich source of antioxidants, which play a crucial role in protecting the body from diseases. These antioxidants help fight free radicals, which cause many chronic diseases. It also protects the heart and arteries, and this is due to it containing monounsaturated fatty acids that reduce the risk of heart disease.

The anti-inflammatory properties found in olive oil make it an ideal choice for combating inflammation in the body. This not only helps relieve pain associated with inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, but also reduces the risk of cancer, as studies indicate. One of the most prominent benefits of olive oil is its anti-aging properties. Its high antioxidant content contributes to maintaining youthful skin and delaying signs of aging, by combating damage caused by free radicals.

Choose the right virgin and cold-pressed oil

The benefits of olive oil are not limited to its ingredients only, but are also affected by the way it is produced. Dr. Al-Iraqi stresses the importance of choosing virgin and cold-pressed olive oil. This type of oil maintains the quality and effectiveness of the active ingredients in the oil, which increases its health benefits. It is also important to pay attention to how to store olive oil. It is recommended to store it inside opaque glass to protect it from exposure to light and heat, which helps preserve its beneficial properties for a longer period.

In addition to olive oil, Dr. Al-Iraqi points out the benefits of natural honey as a health supplement. Combining olive oil and honey creates a powerful blend that boosts the body’s immunity and offers natural solutions to many health problems. Olive oil remains one of the greatest gifts that nature has given us. By using it correctly and including it in our diet, we can benefit from all the benefits it offers to our health and well-being.

2023-11-19 13:14:59

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