Home » today » World » Vice President Abad’s son will be released from prison – 2024-05-10 00:26:31

Vice President Abad’s son will be released from prison – 2024-05-10 00:26:31

Barreiro Abad paid USD 20,000 to be released from prison.

The order for the release of Francisco Sebastián Barreiro Abadson of Veronica Abadarrived this May 6, 2024. A judge from the Criminal Guarantees Judicial Unit authorized the ballot that was expected several days ago.

The vice president’s son Abad is prosecuted for apparent influence peddling in the case Nene.

Oswaldo Trujillolawyer of Sebastian Barreiro, requested a bond to annul the preventive detention that was against him. The hearing took place on April 11, in Quito. Initially, a bond of USD 5,520 was proposed. The judge accepted the request, but the amount was set at USD 20,000. Barreiro Abad and his defense accepted and paid with a check.

Barreiro Abad He had five days to pay and was kept in prison for many more days, because the bond process had not been processed.

Why was Francisco Sebastián Barreiro Abad imprisoned?

On the morning of March 21 of this year, the State Attorney General’s Office carried out raids in Cuenca y Quito. With them the call began case Nenewhich investigates the apparent crime of offering influence peddling in the Vice Presidency of the Republic.

According to Ecuavisa, Francisco Sebastián Barreiro Abad He was the only one captured in the operation and he reached Quito hours later for his arraignment hearing.

In the diligence, Carlos AlarconAnticorruption prosecutor, explained that Francisco Barreiro requested tithes from a person for working as Communications Coordinator of the Vice Presidency of the Republic, since his mother, Veronica Abadassumed the position.

According to the Prosecutor’s Office, barrier and another person identified as Sebastian Redrobranadvisor to the Vice Presidency, asked for USD 1,700 per month from the former official’s salary, which was USD 3,200. And they even made him sign a bill of exchange for USD 30,000 as a guarantee to fulfill the agreement.

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