The Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) strongly condemns Congress for likening Bajrang Dal with the banned Popular Front of India (PFI) in its Karnataka assembly election manifesto. According to the VHP International General Secretary Surendra Jain, the people of India will not accept this false equivalency. The VHP sees this as a challenge and is ready to answer it through democratic means. The youth wing of the VHP, Bajrang Dal, will stage a protest outside the Congress Delhi office to make their stance clear. Jain further adds that Bajrang Dal activists work for the country and society, while the PFI’s suspicious activities are well-known. He warns Congress of the VHP’s reaction if they continue to malign their reputation. The VHP has not gotten involved in politics, but if the Congress continues its attacks, they would respond to it in this arena too. VHP National Spokesperson Vinod Bansal tweeted that the party, which is being rejected all over India, is daydreaming about banning Bajrang Dal. Congress’s manifesto will be the factor in their end.
VHP slams Congress for equating Bajrang Dal with banned PFI in Karnataka poll manifesto
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