Home » today » Health » Vegetarian prone to nutritional deficiencies? A nutritionist teaches you “6 main nutrients” so that you can eat smart without consuming animal foods|Plant|Vegetarian|International Vegetarian Day|Health 2.0

Vegetarian prone to nutritional deficiencies? A nutritionist teaches you “6 main nutrients” so that you can eat smart without consuming animal foods|Plant|Vegetarian|International Vegetarian Day|Health 2.0

There are more and more vegetarians nowadays, and there are many benefits of vegetarianism. However, some nutrients are relatively high in animal foods. Nutritionist Yu Zhuqing reminds vegetarians that in addition to paying attention to nutritional balance, they should also pay more attention to the intake of 6 kinds of nutrients, supplement the nutrients needed by the body.

Yu Zhuqing said that 11/25 is “World Meatless Day”, also known as “International Vegetarian Day”. She took the opportunity to share the following 6 nutrients that are most abundant in animal foods and tell everyone how to get them through other types of ingredients:


It can be supplemented with spinach, mushrooms, soybeans, dark green vegetables, brown rice, or oats, and can be eaten with vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables to aid in iron absorption; avoid drinking tea or coffee at the same time as meals, so as not to affect the levels of iron absorb.

See more:You don’t just have to eat meat for iron supplementation! Three kinds of vegetables have more iron than beef, and the iron content of this god is 30 times that of beef

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is not usually obtained from fruits and vegetables and can be supplemented with eggs, dairy products, cheese, milk or beans, whole grains and other foods.

mineral zinc

Zinc is found mostly in some seafood and meats, while vegetarians can get it from whole grains, oatmeal, brown rice, black beans, cashews and other foods.


Protein-rich foods include edamame, tofu, soy milk, dried tofu, and nuts; Additionally, vegetables such as broccoli, sweet potato leaves, corn, burdock and asparagus are also high in protein.

Calcium and Vitamin D

Eating milk, cheese, yogurt, sesame, nuts, seaweed and mushrooms can supplement calcium and vitamin D and remind you to bask in the sun at the right time.

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Vegetarian prone to nutritional deficiencies? A nutritionist teaches you

What is vegetable meat?

The trend of vegetarianism is increasing and “vegetable meat” is very popular recently. What is the difference between vegetable meat and traditional vegetarian meat? Yu Zhuqing pointed out that the raw material of traditional vegetarian meat is soybean meal. Soybean meal is a by-product of soybean degreasing. Various vegetarian meats and vegetarian products with various tastes.

The vegetable meat popular abroad, also known as the “meat of the future”, can have no difference from real meat. The production method is similar to traditional vegetarian meat. The difference is in the raw materials. Generally, the protein source of traditional vegetarian meat is mainly from soybeans, however Westerners are not used to the special taste of soybeans, so wheat, peas, mung bean, potato, etc.

See more:Can vegetarians also have high blood sugar and fatty liver? Nutritionist reveals top 5 ‘anti-human habits’ of vegetarianism that can cause disease

◎ Image source/Nutritionist Yu Zhuqing.Supplied by Dazhi Image/shutterstock
Information Source/Yu Zhuqing Nutritionist

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