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Vaccinations that women should get during pregnancy

Many pregnant women wonder about Vaccinations And the vaccines that must be obtained to protect them from disease during pregnancy, in this report we collected for you the most important vaccines and vaccinations during pregnancy that are recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)American, according to the site Stay healthy.

According to the site, if women receive vaccinations during pregnancy can also protect children, this occurs because pregnant women who have been vaccinated can pass some of the antibodies (proteins that fight disease) that they infect from vaccines to their children.

These antibodies to the child can provide some protection against certain diseases during the first months of life – when the child’s immune system begins to develop.


Recommended vaccinations during pregnancy

Flu vaccine: The Center for Disease Control and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommend (ACOG) That pregnant women get the flu vaccine during the flu season.

Having the flu vaccine during the flu season during pregnancy may not only help protect the mother from getting the flu, but may also help protect her baby from influenza complications for several months after the baby is born.

-vaccine Tdap (Tetanus / diphtheria / pertussis), pertussis can be a serious disease for people of all ages, it is especially dangerous for newborns because it can threaten their lives.

The CDC recommends a vaccine Tdap During every pregnancy even if a vaccine is received Tdap In the past, getting a vaccine Tdap It helps the body to produce antibodies, which are then transmitted to the baby before birth.

The child will be given some early protection from whooping cough, and a vaccine may be given Tdap At any time during the febrile period, but it is recommended to receive the vaccine between the twenty-seventh and thirty weeks of each pregnancy.

If a pregnant woman has never received a vaccination Tdap Before, it is recommended that you get it after the birth, this can help protect the mother and make her less likely to pass a whooping cough to the child.

Vaccinations for pregnant women
Vaccinations for pregnant women

What other vaccines are recommended during pregnancy?

There are cases when you may need additional vaccines, for example, if you are pregnant and plan to travel abroad you should speak with your doctor at least 4 to 6 weeks before traveling to find out if special vaccines are needed, for example, hepatitis B) ).

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