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Unsettling! Tourists Harassed and Greped at the Holi Festival in India

New Delhi

Festival Holi is one of the important festivals in India. However, it is attached to sexual harassment.

This year 2023, the Holi Festival falls on March 8th. The celebration, which is full of colorful powder, is not only attended by local residents but also tourists who vacation there.

Instead of leaving a pleasant impression after participating in the festival, a female tourist from Japan reaped disappointment, sadness, and wounds all in one. His story via video has gone viral.

In the 21-second recording circulating on social media, tourist The Japanese were harassed by local men.

His body was hugged while smeared with colorful powder. His head was pelted with eggs and water spray. These tourists even screamed in pain, but the men actually enjoyed it.

This video went viral and caught the attention of India’s women’s committee. Swati Maliwal, chairman of the Delhi Commission for Women, issued an arrest warrant for the perpetrator and investigated the case.

Apparently, this is not the first time. According to notes ABC News In 2028, a Delhi woman was hit with a balloon filled with semen and urine.

Of course this is included in the act of sexual harassment. The head of the Women’s Commission at the time, Surayama Srivastava, described the behavior as shameful.

“The men seem to be getting lascivious pleasures in further exacerbating the fear and helplessness that women feel on the streets of Delhi,” he said.

As cases of harassment are on the rise, many Delhi women are avoiding the Holi Festival. They would rather be at home than take to the streets.

Women are always the victims, but the funny thing is they are the ones who are asked to be careful,” said Sruvastava.

According to the victim’s testimony, the balloon was thrown by a man on a motorcycle. Balloons filled with semen or urine are targeted at a woman’s chest, hips and genitals.

“When we experience such frightening situations, instead of enjoying the festival, we feel insecure,” said one student, Suchandana Patoa on his Facebook page.

Holi is no longer a beautiful holy festival. Many women are ultimately disadvantaged because they become victims of perverted men under the pretext of “smearing” colorful powder.

“The public nature of the festival gives space for criminals to take advantage of women and girls and abuse them,” the head of the Delhi Commission for Women, Swati Maliwal, said in 2018.

As the Holi Festival takes place, Swati requests the police to take to the streets and prevent crimes against women.

Due to the large amount of sexual harassment that occurred there, New Delhi was nicknamed the rape capital of the world in 2012. The most tragic incident was the incident of rape experienced by a 23-year-old student who was raped by a crowd on a public bus.

A study published in the International Criminal Justice Review in 2016 found nearly 58 percent of women interviewed had experienced sexual harassment in a one-year period, with 42 percent reporting harassment in public places.

Watch VideoUnand: 12 FK Student Sexual Harassment Victims


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