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United States: The Supreme Court in the hot seat

It’s a time bomb. A bomb capable of blowing up American democracy. A bomb of which nine men and women control the detonator: the judges of the Supreme Court of the United States.

The image may surprise: the magistrates of the Court, appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, do not really look explosive. Dressed in their black dresses, they rule on the constitutionality of laws and their compliance with Union laws, whether federal or voted by the States. Their annual session begins on the first Monday in October and lasts approximately nine months. Why sound the alarm bell on the session that has just opened? Because it is, according to the Washington Post, of an “extraordinarily controversial” session, with potentially serious consequences for American democracy.

The Court will rule on questions as fundamental as the right to abortion or the bearing of arms, as well as, perhaps, the “positive discrimination” practiced by universities to correct the under-representation of minorities. But the importance of each of these decisions hides a much more serious danger for the country: the legitimacy of its Supreme Court, as the ultimate arbiter of American democracy.

A Court deemed too conservative

“Never has a more immense judicial power been constituted among any people”, had

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