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United States: Call on the Malagasy government to guarantee the integrity of future elections

Call on the Malagasy government to guarantee the integrity of future elections. (Archive photo)

The United States congratulates the Malagasy people for exercising their civil and political rights during the November 16 presidential elections in Madagascar.

« We take note of the announcement of the High Constitutional Court of Madagascar confirming the re-election of President Andry Rajoelina. The United States reaffirms its commitment to working cooperatively with President-elect Rajoelina, the government and people of Madagascar for the development of the country and to support respect for the human rights of every individual. We also congratulate the government and people of Madagascar for ensuring that the election day took place calmly and serenely in most regions. However, the electoral process has raised serious concerns that need to be addressed for the peace and future well-being of the nation. Many stakeholders, including Malagasy citizens and national and international election observers, have noted irregularities in the electoral process. »

Take measures

« Furthermore, most of the recommendations made following the 2018 and 2019 elections remained unimplemented. We urge the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) to take steps to address these shortcomings and call on the Malagasy authorities to thoroughly investigate all irregularities and allegations of fraud, implement the necessary reforms highlighted by international and national observers, and to respond to the needs and wishes of Malagasy citizens. The United States calls on Madagascar to commit to the democratic process, its constitution and the rule of law. The Malagasy people deserve and expect free and fair elections, organized peacefully, as well as good governance. We urge the government to strengthen trust in its institutions and ensure the integrity of future elections. The United States condemns any violence and urges the Malagasy people to address any electoral grievances through the legal processes established in Madagascar. »

Collected by Dominique R.

The United States article: Call on the Malagasy government to guarantee the integrity of future elections appeared first on Midi Madagasikara.

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