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Understanding Weight Fluctuations: Are You Losing Fat or Lean Mass?

When we do physical activity we see our weight fluctuate and in some cases it increases: is this because you are acting on fat or lean mass?

The right question is not “am I losing weight?”, but “am I losing fat or lean mass?” (Sportnews.eu)

What is the fundamental prerequisite for weight loss? Answering this question is deceptively simple: ingest fewer calories than you burn, both at rest and with physical activity. At rest, the action of the so-called basal metabolism takes over, i.e. the one that works even in the absence of physical activity and can be influenced by various factors, for example sex, age and so on.

Losing weight with physical activity, however, occurs more quickly and this is why those who want to lose weight would do well to fare sport, as well as controlling your diet. Yet are we sure that slimming and weight loss are exactly the same thing? Of impact it would seem so, but in some cases its own weight may increase or remain stable despite movement. A type of incorrect training could even lead to an increase in cellulite!

Fat or lean mass? How to understand which one you are acting on

Use the tape measure to check your progress (Sportnews.eu)

This happens because there are two factors at play: the fat mass is that slim. The goal of losing weight must be to act on adipose tissue, instead going to improve muscles (i.e. lean tissue). At this point it is good to make a fundamental premise: fat mass has a lower specific weight than lean mass and, on balance, increasing your muscles could lead to a static or even higher weight.

There are therefore gods methods for measuring fat and lean mass and knowing if we are acting in the right direction with our physical activity. And without panicking when we see an unwanted value on the scale despite our enormous efforts in the gym! There are professional and expensive methods, for example the use of scales that analyze body composition, skinfold measurements or dexa (double energy x-ray absorptiometry).

The “grandmother’s methods” to understand if you are losing weight in the right way

E “Grandma’s methods“, that is, less professional but certainly eloquent: the use of photo et al tape measure. By taking photographs of our weight loss journey we can keep in mind an overview of our progress. The ideal is to always take them at the same time of day, with the same light and in the same position. In this way you will be able to notice any improvements or weight loss in some areas of the body, for example arms or legs.

The tape measure, however, allows us to fully understand the difference between fat and lean mass loss. Let’s say that when we step on the scale we notice that the weight is stable, even if, at a glance, the waist point Yes is thinned. At that point we take the measuring tape and notice that we have lost several centimeters in that area: it is a symptom that we have built lean mass at the expense of fat mass!

2024-01-27 08:30:14
#Fat #lean #mass #understand #losing

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