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Understanding the Citizen’s Money Bonus: Incentivizing Qualification Measures

Citizen’s money bonus, citizen’s money subsidy or citizen’s money extra payment, all of these terms can be found if you research citizen’s money payments or citizen’s money entitlement on the Internet. It’s clear that many ignorant people ask themselves the question: Is work still worth it or are you no better off with citizen’s money and its bonuses, subsidies and extra payments.

In fact, there are no extra or additional payments or subsidies for citizens’ money. Citizens’ money is clearly regulated and structured by law. However, the citizen’s money bonus actually exists. However, it is linked to qualification measures and labor market integration.

In the following article we explain what the citizen’s money bonus is all about and under what conditions it is paid.

Citizen’s money bonus as an incentive for qualification measures

The citizen’s money bonus: not a windfall for those in need, but an incentive for further training measures to prepare for a career.

The citizen’s money bonus is next to the further training money. Both are the consequence of the abolition of mediation priority. A citizen’s benefit recipient should not be given a job at any price and as quickly as possible, but the focus should be on sustainable placement in work. The ping-pong game of work and unemployment, which is played very often among people with low professional qualifications, should be left out. In addition, targeted further training measures are intended to counteract the shortage of skilled workers.

The citizen’s money bonus is a means of helping those who receive citizen’s money decide to gain professional qualifications even more quickly. As a reminder: 2/3 of all those entitled to citizenship benefit have no vocational training.

Legal basis for the citizen’s money bonus

The citizen’s money bonus is regulated in Section 16j SGB II, Citizen’s Money Act. It applies when further training is carried out that is not aimed at obtaining a professional qualification. When it comes to vocational training and vocational qualifications, the further training allowance comes into play. It is twice as high as the citizen’s money bonus.

The citizen’s money bonus involves the following further training measures:

1. Further vocational training measures in accordance with Sections 81 and 82 SGB III and Section 49 Paragraph 3 Number 4 SGB IX with a minimum duration of eight weeks, for which no further training allowance is paid in accordance with Section 87a Paragraph 2 SGB III,

2. pre-vocational training measures in accordance with Section 51 SGB III and Section 49 Paragraph 3 Number 2 SGB IX, measures in the preliminary phase of assisted training in accordance with Section 75a SGB III in conjunction with Section 16 Paragraph 1 Sentence 2 Number 3 SGB II,

3. Measures to support young people who are difficult to reach in accordance with Section 16h Paragraph 1 SGB II.

This shows that the citizen’s money bonus is only for pre-vocational measures are paid.

Citizen’s money bonus: 75 euros per month

The citizen’s money bonus is 75 euros per month. It will be paid out retrospectively, i.e. in the following month. If the measure begins or ends in the middle of a month, 1/30 of 75 euros is paid per calendar day, i.e. 2.50 euros daily. The entitlement to a citizen’s money bonus no longer exists as soon as the measure is canceled.

Requirements for the citizen’s money bonus

The measures that entitle you to receive the citizen’s money bonus must last at least 8 weeks. If a measure is planned for a shorter period of time, no citizen’s money bonus will be paid for it. Shorter measures are those for activation and professional integration in accordance with Section 45 SGB III.

No application for a citizen’s money bonus is required

In order to receive the citizen’s money bonus, you do not have to submit a separate application for the citizen’s money bonus. You are automatically entitled to the money if a corresponding further training measure is recorded in the cooperation plan. The cooperation plan also specifies what other services the job center will provide for the duration of the further training. One of the job center’s services is the citizen’s money bonus.

Details about the citizen’s money bonus

Further details and detailed information about the citizen’s money bonus can be found here: Citizen’s money bonus

2023-09-22 09:16:41
#Citizens #Money #Bonus #entitled #money

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