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UN Security Council Condemns Taliban Ban on Afghan Women Working for UN

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The Taliban banned women from working in the United Nations after previously preventing them from working in humanitarian organizations

The United Nations Security Council has unanimously condemned the Taliban, which controls Afghanistan, for preventing Afghan women from working for the United Nations.

The Security Council resolution, drafted by the United Arab Emirates and Japan on Thursday, calls the ban “unprecedented in the history of the United Nations” and stresses the “indispensable role of women in Afghan society.” “It undermines human rights and humanitarian principles.”

The Taliban’s latest decision follows its decision to ban women from humanitarian organizations in general in December last year.

Since the Taliban seized power and overthrew the Western-backed government in 2021, women have been subjected to several measures, including being prevented from attending universities, and girls’ secondary schools have been closed.

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2023-04-28 00:55:07

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