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Two Brussels catering establishments closed by police for non-compliance with Covid-19 measures

Social distancing has not been respected, for example.

LOn the evening of Sunday July 19, the Brussels CAPITALE Ixelles police zone closed two Horeca-type establishments present on its territory, for non-compliance with Covid-19 rules. Twice, social distancing was not respected.

No mask and nighttime fuss

In a press release, the police said that the intervention teams “were able to note, in the Brussels establishment that the majority of the customers present did not wear a mask, glued to each other, circulating freely or even dancing under a dim light and to the sound of festive background music, the establishment presents the appearance of a nightclub, despite the formal ban on such an event given the known health crisis. “

For the second establishment, located in Laeken, “the team dispatched to the scene for nighttime noise was able to observe, in addition to indisputable noise pollution from screams and music, the presence of a number of people dancing on the establishment’s terrace. “

A report to the City of Brussels with a view to the administrative closure of these two problematic places has been sent.

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