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Twitter and dictatorships

16 jul 2021 . Updated at 05:00 h.

Sometimes discussions on social media can be wonderful and as absurd as a scene from a Marx Brothers movie. If Groucho returned from his legendary grave (which does not include the famous epitaph Forgive me not getting up), he would have to enjoy some tweeting.

In less time than it took for the Millennium Falcon to jump into hyperspace, there are citizens who are capable of gutting the foundations of a Constitutional ruling not yet released in detail. And to maintain that they had accurately predicted the controversial verdict on the state of alarm. It is easy to get right when one thing is said and the opposite in a matter of minutes, hours, days … What seems more difficult, considering the threads of messages in favor and against it, is to reach an elementary consensus and qualify the Cuban regime as the which is, a dictatorship.

Words can be twisted to infinity and beyond, but if we apply the duck test (If it looks like a duck, swims and squawks, then it is a duck), there is usually no failure. And if you do not hold free elections, cut the Internet and repress the discrepancy with an iron fist, there are not many doubts. We could use another legendary phrase, the elemental, dear Watson, never said so by Arthur Conan Doyle’s shrewd Sherlock Holmes.

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