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‘Tunden’ to celebrities on social networks

Arath de la Torre
Arath de la Torre is the most recent of the celebrities who has been in the eye of the hurricane after his unfortunate statements. The problem started with a commercial that the actor and comedian made with the Moneyman company, in which he says: “Do you know what the number of laps that the Papantla Flyers give and your first loan in Moneyman have in common? That both generate zero interest ”.
This situation generated more than one reaction against them, because many showed racism and classism during the 13 seconds that the spot lasted in which they made fun of a people and their traditions.
After the controversy, through the change.org platform, dozens of people have signed a petition asking to cancel the programs that Arath de la Torre has on Televisa, for discriminatory reasons.

During a show in 2012, Platanito Show, Sergio Verduzco made a joke in his routine in which he said: “Do you know what Michael Jackson died of? Desperate, because they burned a nursery there in Sonora. Don’t be, don’t mock, poor little chavitos al pastor, don’t be assholes. Besides, there is no longer a nursery, now they have opened a little shop called Kentucky Fried Children ”.
Although at the time the jokes generated laughter, talking about such a sensitive subject generated severe criticism and even death threats. Soon after, the comedian came out (without his wig) to apologize:
Verduzco dismissed Telehit and Televisa for their comments and said it was from a private show, that he never approved its publication, but offered apologies, although he said, “they will never be enough.”
Although the character has moved on, the event marked his image for posterity.

Sergio Goyri
It was not a statement, performance, an interview or a public event, but a meeting between friends in 2019 in which the actor Sergio Goyri, being himself, criticized Yalitza Aparicio for his Oscar nomination in: a fucking Indian who says: ‘yes sir, no sir’, and they put her in a shortlist .. “
The one who spread the video inadvertently was the actor’s partner, Lupita.
When the issue went viral, in a matter of hours, the actor made another video in which he explained: “Here, showing his face and assuming responsibility for a misguided comment on my part. All I want to say is that there was never any intent on my part to offend anyone. I sincerely apologize to Yaltiza who deserves that and much more. I was commenting on other types of things and in the heat of the discussion that came out, I apologize to her and to all the people who felt offended by my comment. “
Shortly after, it was Yalitza herself who spoke about it: “I am proud to be an indigenous Oaxacan and I am sorry that there are people who do not know the correct meaning of words.”

Andrea Legarreta
It was a large bill that the driver Andrea Legarreta was charged for a comment regarding the price of the dollar made in 2016, during one of the segments of the morning Hoy. “Not because the dollar rises, the price of everything that families consume increases,” he said.
Also in the conversation was Raúl Araiza, who added: “What happens to the dollar will not have a negative impact on its economy. If you buy pure imported things, it is obvious that the dollar affects you …
“The increase in the dollar does not negatively affect our family economy, and if the prices of food and non-imported products increase, it is because someone wants to go smart in the market or the little store.”
However, the one who was tremendously criticized was Legarreta, who had to come out to talk about the issue on social networks because there were not only memes but death threats against her and her daughters.

Tiziano Ferro
The Italian singer of “Black Tardes” took the scorn of his Mexican audience by criticizing the women of this country during an interview for the Italian media Che tempo Fai in 2006, where he called women “mustaches” and did so within these statements:
“It is not possible to say that Mexican women are the most beautiful in the world, with all due respect. You understand me? They have a mustache ”. The presenter interrupted him to point out that this comment could be offensive and that he should apologize, but Ferro added:
“I understand and I’m sorry, but even they know it.” The presenter said that unlike Tiziano, he considered that the most beautiful women were in Mexico, but the bomb exploded for the artist.
The news traveled to Mexico immediately, so Tiziano had to make a video in which he regretted what he said.

Chumel Torres
There have been several comments by Chumel Torres that have been criticized. One of the most controversial was the one he made towards the youngest son of the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller. In 2020, when Conapred invited Chumel, Maya Zapata and Tenoch Huerta to a debate called “Racism and / or Classism in Mexico?”, Beatriz wrote her disagreement on her social networks:
“Is this character invited to a forum on discrimination, racism and clacism? I am still waiting for a public apology from this individual about the attacks on this minor, “he said, referring to the fact that Chumel had previously called his son” chocoflan “because of his hair dye.
This was not the only disagreement expressed, as several users took up Chumel’s comments at different times.
The President also spoke out about it and shortly after, HBO suspended its Chumel program with Chumel Torres.

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