Home » today » Sport » Treason to the Dodgers? Alex Verdugo confesses that the Red Sox were his favorite team as a child

Treason to the Dodgers? Alex Verdugo confesses that the Red Sox were his favorite team as a child

Alex Executioner stated that the Red Sox were his favorite team when I was a child. The Mexican American came to the organization “redhead”This 2020 coming from Los Angeles Dodgers (the franchise that opened the door for him in MLB), so maybe some fans are not very happy with these statements.

Verdugo has ahead with los Red Sox a strange kind of revenge.

After starting the 2019 season on a swinging drum, many of us gave it as insurance within the votes for rookie of the year. The Mexican American had become weeks after his debut as a key figure in the gardens for a star-studded line up.

But then came an injury and Verdugo he missed the entire final stretch of the season. Still I get a rookie of the year for a couple of votes.

No one expected then his departure from Los Angeles, but Verdugo It has the strange honor of having been included as a change in the most famous transfer in recent years: the arrival of Mookie Betts to the Dodgers.

So now, the Mexican American must prove that it is made in Boston, where fans have received him with some skepticism.

Sure, it’s not easy to “supply” Mookie at Fenway Park.

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