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Tragic Traffic Accident: Elderly Driver Faces Negligent Homicide Charges

It was a tragic traffic accident that could have happened to anyone. Now he ended up in court.

Cologne (NRW) – Bekir A. (75) has been in front of the district court since Wednesday Köln, Accusation: negligent homicide. An e-bike rider (81) died in July 2021 after crashing into the door of his BMW that had just been opened on Luxemburger Strasse in Cologne.

Such accidents in road traffic are called “dooring” – after the English word for door (“door”). Often they could have been prevented if the driver’s door was opened with the right hand. This is because the driver automatically looks back at the traffic flowing by.

The pensioner Bekir A. (75) on Wednesday in the dock of the district court in Cologne

Photo: Mario Jüngling

Could a collision and the death of the pensioner also have been prevented in the Cologne case? The prosecutor is sure of that. Did Bekir A. overlook the elderly woman when she got out and is he to blame for her death? The court must now clarify that.

“He is very sorry and he regrets it very much,” the defendant said through his lawyer. But: “He certainly looked in the rear and outside mirrors and looked over his shoulder. He opened the door a few centimeters (…) suddenly there was a bang. Unfortunately, he did not see the cyclist and in our opinion he could not see her.”

The accident happened on Luxemburger Straße in July 2021

The Luxemburger Straße does not have a specially designated cycle path

Photo: Mario Jüngling

Witness Fabian M. (31) from Cologne observed the accident on Luxemburger Strasse and testified in court: “The woman had no chance to avoid and hit the door. (…) I’m pretty sure the door was at least half open.”

A white bicycle commemorates the death of the 81-year-old today – around two years after the traffic accident. Shortly after the collision, she fell so badly with her e-bike that, according to the public prosecutor, she suffered a craniocerebral trauma and a fibula fracture and later died in the hospital. Her two surviving daughters are being represented by a lawyer in the private accessory prosecution.

This white bicycle commemorates the deceased elderly woman at the scene of the accident

This white bicycle commemorates the deceased elderly woman at the scene of the accident

Photo: Mario Jüngling

The court could not clarify on Wednesday whether Bekir A. had sufficiently fulfilled his duty of care in road traffic. More witnesses should be heard…

A verdict is expected in August.

2023-06-14 15:22:20
#Cologne #ebiker #dead #dooring #accident #driver #court

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