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Top 5 Essential Nutritional Supplements for Women in Their Forties

04:39 PM Wednesday 13 December 2023

Books – Muhammad Amin:

As a woman reaches the age of her forties, her needs to follow healthy diets increase, in order to control the hormonal, psychological and physiological changes that she is exposed to at this stage, so it is necessary for women in this period to obtain a set of nutritional supplements.

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In the following lines, Al-Consulto reviews the most important important vitamins that are indispensable for women in the forties, according to the Very Well Health website.

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– Omega 3 capsules

A woman in her forties needs to consume it to combat electrolytes in her body that cause cancer, and to maintain hormonal balance after the age of forty, in addition to reducing the effect of oxidative stress on the skin, and fighting the signs of aging, wrinkles and facial lines.

– Magnesium

It helps regulate blood pressure, the body’s absorption of calcium, and plays a role in muscle, nerve, and heart functions. Its deficiency is a common problem among women after the age of forty, so women at this age should pay attention to eating foods rich in it, such as nuts and soybeans.

– Vitamin B12

It is one of the best nutritional supplements for women in their forties, because it helps combat severe mood swings and depression, protects hair from loss and breakage, and gives the skin freshness, softness, and youth.

– Vitamin D

It protects women in their forties from osteoporosis, because it is the vitamin responsible for improving the absorption of calcium from foods, so it is necessary to eat foods rich in it, such as salmon, eggs, and dairy products, and be exposed to sunlight daily.

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– Vitamin C

To enhance the capabilities of the immune system, it is found in vegetables and fruits, and its benefits are not limited to women in this age period only, but rather it improves the body’s absorption of iron, accelerates the wound healing process, and maintains healthy skin.

2023-12-13 14:44:39

#essential #vitamins #women #forty

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