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Toothpaste For Pimples? These 5 tips are medical myths

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  • The online doctor’s office Things cleans up with five home remedies and everyday tips that are widespread but medically incorrect.
  • Tips such as using toothpaste for pimples or not drinking wine after beer are medical myths according to practice.
  • Much of these tips and advice are well meant and, in the best case scenario, could help you, but in the worst case scenario, damage your health.

Does alcohol warm you up? Does hair growth get stronger after shaving? And toothpaste helps against pimples?

You have probably heard this or similar advice yourself or even recommended it to others. Even if these everyday tips are well-intentioned, many of them turn out to be medical myths. In the best case, they can still help you, but in the worst case, they are harmful to your health. The online doctor’s office Things So clean up with five home remedies and everyday tips that are widespread but not medically correct.

Myth 1: A calcium deficiency can be identified by stains on your fingernails
According to Zava, white spots on the fingernails do not indicate a calcium deficiency, but rather incorrect care. Such as pushing back the cuticle excessively.

Myth 2: Beer on wine, let it go
There is also no truth in this advice, which is likely to make people laugh at parties and which is followed by many. Because from a medical point of view, it doesn’t matter in which order you drink alcohol. It just depends on the quality of the alcohol and how much you drink of it.

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Myth 3: Alcohol warms you from the inside
This widespread assumption is also not entirely true, according to Zava. Alcohol creates a warming feeling for a short time, as it expands the blood vessels so that more warm blood flows to the surface of the body, but this state does not last long because the heat generated is not stored but is given off through the skin. Alcohol actually reduces the body temperature as a whole, since the body consumes the heat of the internal organs by consuming alcohol. Especially if you drink outside in winter, your body cools down faster and you can get sick.

Myth 4: Shaving leads to increased hair growth
Shaved hair does not grow back faster or thicker. According to Zava, how quickly your hair grows back is genetically determined. However, many people believe that their hair is fuller after shaving because the hair that grows back looks thicker and feels stubble. However, this is an optical illusion, as the blunt cut surface instead of the finely tapering ends of the hair can be seen immediately after shaving. The hair that grows back looks fuller, but it is not.

Myth 5: Toothpaste works against pimples
First and foremost, the advice makes sense, because toothpaste is antiseptic: It works against germs and dries out inflamed areas. Nevertheless, caution is advised, because ingredients such as fluoride or menthol can worsen inflammation on the outer skin. That’s why you shouldn’t use toothpaste for pimples.

So in the future it is better to keep your hands off these five budget funds and advice and turn to an expert or an online medical advisor.

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