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NBA | Basketball – NBA: Chris Paul future MVP? Shaquille O’Neal’s rant!


Posted on March 13, 2021 at 9:35 am by La Rédaction

Second in the Western Conference, the Phoenix Suns are a surprise this season. And Chris Paul, who arrived this summer, is no stranger to that. In the race for the MVP, the 35-year-old point guard has transformed his team. But for Shaquille O’Neal, Chris Paul shouldn’t be mentioned as a contender for the title of best player of the season.

Since the arrival of Chris Paul last summer, the Phoenix Suns have completely metamorphosed. Tenth in the Western Conference last season, the men of Monty Williams are now ranked in second place, ahead of Los angeles lakers of LeBron James. A dazzling change of face which can be explained by the arrival of CP3. Author of a good season for the moment (16.1 points, 4.7 rebounds, 8.8 assists on average), the 35-year-old point guard acts as a real leader in the locker room of Suns. Chris Paul is so essential that it’s even part of the MVP race. But for Shaquille O’Neal, the former player of Thunder has nothing to do in the debate.

“He’s been having a good season, but if you don’t stand a chance of winning you shouldn’t be mentioned in the discussion. “

At the microphone of TNT, the mythical pivot, passed through the Magic d’Orlando, the Lakers or the Miami Heat, asserted that Chris Paul had no chance of winning the title of best player of the season: ” Listen: Chris Paul is having a great season. He pushes the kids to play hard, he leads them to the stick, the Suns are playing well… But I don’t agree. He was not to be mentioned in the race for the MVP. He’s having a good season, but if you have no chance of winning you shouldn’t be mentioned in the discussion ».

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