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Three People Named as Suspects in Shooting of Prabowo-Gibran Volunteer in Sampang, East Java


The police have named three people as suspects shooting Prabowo-Gibran volunteer named Muarah in Banyuates, Sampang. The three have been detained at the East Java Regional Police.

Reported detikJatimWednesday (3/1/2024), Head of Public Relations of the East Java Regional Police, Kombes Dirmanto, said that the three suspects were S, H and W who are residents of Sampang.

“Mem-back up handling the shooting case that occurred in Sampang, Madura. “There have been three people named as suspects, so far 13 people have been questioned as witnesses,” said Dirmanto.

Dirmanto stated that his party had conducted a search at the suspects’ homes. One of the suspects is the village head.

“What we searched today was a house, the house of a village head,” he said.

Muarah was shot by two unknown men from a motorbike while they were having a discussion drinking coffee with his colleagues on Friday (22/12/2023) morning. Muarah was immediately rushed to hospital for help after the shooting occurred.

Read more at here.

Watch the video ‘TKN asks police to thoroughly investigate case of Prabowo volunteer shot in Sampang’:


2024-01-03 08:36:11

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