Home » today » Health » Three deaths and 135 confirmed reports of COVID-19 in the municipality of Hoogeveen in a week – Regionieuws Hoogeveen

Three deaths and 135 confirmed reports of COVID-19 in the municipality of Hoogeveen in a week – Regionieuws Hoogeveen

Hoogeveen – Last week, the number of reports of COVID-19, the number of patients in hospitals and the number of ICU admissions increased further. However, the speed at which the number of new reports is increasing seems to be declining somewhat nationally. This could be a result of the measures that took effect at the end of September.

In the municipality of Hoogeveen, the number of confirmed reports increased by 135 people in the past 7 days and the number of hospital admissions remained the same. However, three deceased patients from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) have been reported in the past seven days (15-21 October).

In the past week, 55,587 new reports of COVID-19 were received nationally, an increase of almost 12,000 (27%) compared to the previous week. There was an increase in the number of people who tested positive in all age groups. However, the difference between the number of reports in younger and older age groups is narrowing (see figure 1). The number of new reports seems to be increasing less rapidly than a week earlier. This could be an effect of the measures from the end of September. Next week we can see if this trend continues.

GGD test lines and percentages positive

From 6 – 18 October 311,188 persons * were tested in the GGD test streets, which is more than 30,000 persons more than in the previous week. The results are known for 269,753 people. Of this group, 38,859 tested positive. The percentage of positive tests thus rose to 14.4%. This percentage increased in all regions. In some GGD regions, as many as 1 in 5 people tested positive for COVID-19. The highest percentages were found in GGD regions of Rotterdam-Rijnmond, Twente, Zaanstreek-Waterland. It is therefore important to get tested and not to assume that it is only an ‘autumn cough’ or ‘autumn cold’ if you have complaints that match COVID-19.

Reproductiegetal R

The reproduction number is 1.22 (lower limit: 1.19, upper limit: 1.25). This is hardly lower than a few weeks ago, and the confidence interval is still completely above 1. The reproduction number of 1.22 means that 100 people with COVID-19 together infect 122 other people with the virus.

Number of infectious persons in the Netherlands

The number of infectious persons is now at 127,000 (with a lower limit of over 91,000 and an upper limit of almost 162,000.

Prevent spread? Stick to the basic measures!

It is important that everyone adheres to the measures to prevent further spread of the virus. Keep your distance. Work at home. Stay at home in case of complaints and get tested. Wash your hands regularly, at least when you get home. Sneeze and cough into your elbow.

Daily figures

The RIVM National Institute for Public Health and the Environment publishes a weekly overview of the number of infections, the number of admissions to hospital and ICU and the number of people who have died from the consequences of COVID-19. Daily figures (corrected for subsequent changes in some media, but not in other media) can sometimes fluctuate strongly due to post-reports and are therefore less suitable for monitoring the progress of the epidemic.

* source: GGD GHOR Medical Assistance Organization in the Region
Not all patients have been hospitalized or reported dead in the past week.

¹GGD reports reported to the RIVM National Institute for Public Health and the Environment between October 13, 10:01 AM and October 20, 10:00 AM, as published on October 20, 2020 in the weekly update of the COVID-19 epidemiological situation in the Netherlands.
²GGD reports that were reported to the RIVM between October 6, 10:01 AM and October 13, 10:00 AM, as published on October 13, 2020 in the weekly update of the epidemiological situation COVID-19 in the Netherlands.
³ As published on October 20, 2020 in the weekly update of the epidemiological situation COVID-19 in the Netherlands. The numbers of the previous week and current week can change due to later test results.

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