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This threatens Anonymous hackers from Switzerland

Anonymous hackers attack Russia in the Ukraine war via the digital channels. A lawyer explains the penalties that Swiss hackers face.

the essentials in brief

  • In the Ukraine war, hacker attacks against the Russian aggressor are increasing.
  • Behind the attacks is the anonymous hacker collective Anonymous.
  • Hackers from Switzerland are liable to prosecution, as a lawyer now explains.

The Ukraine war is not only taking place at the front, a cyber war is also raging online. The notorious hacker collective Anonymous has positioned itself against the Russian aggressor.

The “hacktivists” paralyze Russian propaganda media and government websites during the Ukraine war. They hack the email accounts of Russian entrepreneurs. And: This week Anonymous published sensitive data from 120,000 Russian soldiers – including names, addresses, dates of birth and passport numbers.

“Every soldier who takes part in the invasion of Ukraine should be court-martialed,” the collective said.

Anonymous hackers intervene in Ukraine war

It is not known who is behind the cyber attacks against Russia. But what would happen if activists from Switzerland were busted? Were they then threatened with legal consequences?

Nau.ch asked Martin Steiger about this. The Zurich lawyer has specialized in law in the digital space. He says: “Hacking can be punishable in Switzerland.”

There are criminal offenses such as “unauthorized intrusion into a data processing system” and “data corruption”.

However, the legal assessment is not that simple, as Steiger explains. “Public prosecutors and courts have to decide whether hacking is actually punishable in individual cases.”

If criminal proceedings are initiated against a hacker, the first step is a house search. All computers, smartphones and other IT are secured, according to Steiger.

This threatens exposed hackers

There is then a risk of pre-trial detention and interrogations by the police and public prosecutor’s office – and hefty penalties. “The threat of punishment is basically imprisonment for up to five years or a fine,” says the lawyer.

However, most should get away with a black eye. Steiger assumes “that most hackers are never prosecuted”. Because: “Criminal proceedings for hacking are usually only conducted if the persons concerned file a criminal complaint.”

What do you think of the Anonymous hackers?

However, the digital expert warns activists not to feel safe because of the anonymity. According to Steiger, hackers have many ways of hiding their identity. “However, it is difficult to remain anonymous in the long term. One mistake is enough to get caught.”

More on the subject:

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