Home » today » Entertainment » They criticize Paola Jara and Jessi Uribe for a private concert in the middle of a pandemic in Medellín

They criticize Paola Jara and Jessi Uribe for a private concert in the middle of a pandemic in Medellín

Paola Jara and Jessi Uribe have been strongly criticized by their followers and Internet users, after it became known that the couple was giving a private concert in the middle of the pandemic in Medellín.

Although this was not the only concert that the couple that sings popular music has given in times of pandemic, in the latter they were seen very close to the attendees. Neither Paola nor Jessi had the proper biosecurity protocol and were not seen wearing masks anywhere.

Apparently, the private concert was in the city of Medellín. Some readers of Minuto 30, managed to take screenshots of some Instagram stories of those attending the event.

Recall that the Government has prohibited such events, where you see crowds and few protocols to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

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