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There are “holes” in closed borders. German police are afraid that people will pass

German police according to the weekly internet portal The mirror staff and equipment for guarding the borders with the Czech Republic and Tyrol are missing. Germany considers them to be coronavirus mutations and has therefore closed the common borders since Sunday. According to the DPA, the Federal Ministry of the Interior said today that the initial logistical difficulties were not unusual and could be overcome in the coming days.

Some police officers report that they have not been able to ensure continuous inspections at smaller crossings. For example, at the Oberwiesenthal / Boží Dar border crossing, passing cars do not view between 23:00 and 05:00, wrote Der Spiegel. They again lack toilets at the customs office in nearby Johanngeorgenstadt, so they have to use the facilities of a petrol station, which is, however, a few kilometers away. They have to warm up in the cars they started. It is said that patrols did not take turns in this Ore Mountains village, but in Zwickau (Zwickau), 60 kilometers away. It is said that no one guarded the crossing for four hours. “When this happens, we’ll have people trying to escape the controls,” lamented an unnamed policeman.

A spokesman for the federal police admitted that while no one could avoid control somewhere, somewhere the law enforcement officers took “locally and temporally flexible measures”. “The logistical problems with the introduction of the new measures are perfectly normal and will be resolved quickly in the coming days,” Steve Alter, a spokesman for the Interior Ministry, told DPA. He added that he is constantly monitored on the main routes.

From Sunday, only German citizens and foreigners with permanent residence in this country can enter Germany and Tyrol. Exceptions also apply to some groups of commuters.

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