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The woman is the one who gives life, Rula Jebreal replies

Fabio Fazio published a post on the occasion of International Women’s Day. His words, although dictated by the best of intentions, sparked an avalanche of indignant comments. Here’s what happened.

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, which is celebrated today 8 March 2022, many have published a reflection on social media. An opportunity to turn the spotlight on how women are still branded by gender stereotypesseen as angels of the hearth, living wives and mothers in function of men, almost accessories of their life. A day to reflect on the dramatic growth of the episodes of violence and on how a woman, even today, does not earn as much as a man while doing the same job. So, on social media, you got the post published on Twitter by Fabio Fazio. Certainly written with the best of intentions, it has fallen into the perimeter of the same clichés from which women are attempting to break free.

International Women’s Day, Fabio Fazio and the post on “wives and mothers”

Fabio Fazio published a post on Twitter on the occasion of International Women’s Day. The host of Che tempo che fa wrote:

Today is March 8, Women’s Day. The woman is the one who gives life. War is the exact opposite. One cannot help but think of all the mothers and the torn wives for the pain of this and all the other wars“.

His post immediately caused a strong reaction. The writer Giulia Blasi remarked that it is not a party but a day in which we continue to fight for women’s rights: “It is not a party, we are not functions of the life of menand many Ukrainian women are at the front as active fighters right now“What triggered an avalanche of indignant tweets, moreover, was the fact of considering women only in relation to the role they play in the lives of men (wives and mothers) or as able to give their lives, when there they are women who are fighting, who have no children or a husband, but the same pain.

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Rula Jebreal replies to Fabio Fazio

Journalist Rula Jebreal spoke on Twitter and replied to Fabio Fazio’s post, noting how important it is to talk about inclusion and equality, rather than having a sterile celebration of women: “Dear journalists and TV presenters, I would like to remind you that the best way to celebrate women is inclusion. Every day, not just today 8 March 2022, more journalists, war correspondents, analysts and activists are involved … Equality must be implemented not praised …“.

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